下面是文案网小编分享的秋天的桂花怎么描写作文 秋天的桂花怎么描写句子文案,以供大家学习参考。
秋天的桂花怎么描写作文 秋天的桂花怎么描写句子文案:
。小小的桂花儿像点点碎银,又像是一张张稚嫩可爱的笑脸,那香气从每一个灿烂的笑脸中渗透出来,弥漫了整个秋天的空气。此情此景,不禁令我回想起家乡的那片桂花林。那时的我,还是个稚嫩的孩子,整天和小伙伴们无忧无虑地在田野里,小路上穿梭,而后山那一片桂花林,便是我们玩乐的乐园。每年秋天刚至,桂花们便会把含苞未放的花骨朵绽开,里面的小黄花发出浓浓的香味,香气袭人,我们在林子里闻着桂花香捉迷藏,过家家,好不快活。一阵秋风吹过,桂花树沙沙作响,许多小小的桂花便被抖落到了地上,如同一个个可爱的精灵,我总会情不自禁地伸出手去想要接住几朵美丽的桂花,仔细地观察着它,它是那样地娇小可爱,令我着迷。每逢桂花飘香时,我总能品尝到外婆亲手做的桂花糕,淡淡的鹅黄色,浓郁的香气,甜美的味道,令我回味无穷。我也曾品尝过杭州的特色桂花糕,虽说比外婆做的更细致,但我总觉得味道还是比不上外婆亲手做的桂花糕。虽说这些都已是几年前的事了,但我至今仍记忆犹新,可惜的是,家乡的那片桂花林早已被伐了用作盖楼,而外婆也已经年近古稀,再没有精力为我亲手做桂花糕了,但我对桂花的特殊情感,却早已扎下了根。桂花是报秋的使者,它四季常青,默默地奉献着自己,盛开在微寒的八月,带给人们温暖的芳香,桂花树不仅是难得的工业原料,还是制作高档家具与雕刻的优质材料;此外桂花还能制成桂花茶,桂花糕等等。一朵桂花并不是很香,但每一朵桂花都奉献出自己的香,拧成一股股结实的香绳,沁人心脾,令人流连忘返。俗话说:“团结就是力量”每一朵桂花虽然只有那么一丁点微不足道的香气,但它们若团结起来就散发出一种不同凡响的香气,因为这香气中弥漫着它们无私的品质。桂花的这种精神比它的香更香,更值得我们欣赏。时光飞逝,如今又是桂花飘香时,我要感谢美丽的桂花,感谢你们无私的奉献,你是秋的使者,我心中的花。秋天的桂花怎么描写作文 秋天的桂花怎么描写句子文案:
秋天的桂花怎么描写作文 秋天的桂花怎么描写句子文案:
秋天的桂花怎么描写作文 秋天的桂花怎么描写句子文案:
Autumn describes the composition of osmanthus 1
The teacher set up the observation diary today. I decided to observe the osmanthus trees.
On the back of the campus there is a green bamboo forest, a few osmanthus trees near the bamboo forest, it is small and exquisite, true love. In gym class, after doing exercises, when school is over... As soon as I have leisure, I will play with some friends at the osmanthus tree.
The rain is like the silk, the lively spring comes to our side. The sweet osmanthus trees slowly pull out the buds, the newly born baby is generally delicate. New buds are reddish-brown, like little mushrooms. Spring osmanthus trees are lovely.
Summer osmanthus trees are a different sight than spring. The thick foliage was like an open umbrella. The leaves have turned green. You see, the green leaves of that tree seem to paint a green glaze. The green color, the bright color, the bright light of our eyes, it seems that every green leaf has a new life trembling. A gentle breeze came and the osmanthus tree stretched its full head of hair and danced with the wind.
Autumn is the season of dangui fragrance. Osmanthus is seen in early and late flowering. Early flowers are rare, and only about a tenth of the osmanthus trees are open. Little beige buds bubbled up from the branches, as if is in the green embroidery patch is studded with gold bead, again like a shy doll powder hiding in the green leaves to smile to us. The flowers looked very happy in mong. The sweet smell often hooks the children's feet.
The Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon, I heard the moon also has a beautiful greening, no wonder the goddess of the moon fairy is not willing to return to earth, I think she must be a be captivated by the beautiful fragrance of osmanthus tree.
Autumn describes the composition of osmanthus 2
Autumn, imperceptibly arrived. Early in the morning, I came from my sleep, opened the window, and blew a fragrant breeze. Immediately, I smell the scent of a Chinese again and follow the scent hope that in the past found the neighborhood inconspicuous greening, they're incredibly branches, is sprinkled with dribs and drabs scrap gold yellow.
Osmanthus trees are very inconspicuous, but osmanthus flowers are fragrant and fragrant. Therefore, many people like to plant osmanthus trees because the fragrance of osmanthus flowers is very attractive. October, it is the season that the osmanthus flowers are in full bloom, there is a heap of green and green, dotted with a cluster of beige flowers. He is so simple but elegant and generous, so full of vitality, call you can't sit up and take notice, especially its full-bodied fragrance, pervades virtually every air molecules, the wind blows everywhere the fragrance of osmanthus, who smoked drunk.
Not only that, but the color of planning varies. Silver laurel, white, make you feel that it is pure and incomparable, gold expensive, golden, to the evening glow of the sky. Every time you walk around the lake. Whenever you play in the park; Every time you take a shower in the yard. Every time you play in the street, whenever... There will always be a sweet and fragrant smell, and you will not be able to take a few deep breaths. This is the one you will be amazed to say: \"very fragrant, very fragrant!\"
From time to time the petals of osmanthus fell to my head, as if I were very close to me. The intense floral scents rush through my nose and I am \"drunk\". So, I am basking in this full-bodied fragrance.